ES Travel

Your Travel Assistants

Phone stolen in the middle of nowhere PNG; stuck in Europe during 2010 Volcano Ash cloud; day before travel, realised passport has expired; broken leg on ski fields of Aspen; unable to return home due to snow storm in Christchurch; stuck in Manhattan after Hurricane Sandy...  These are all experiences of our staff or our clients over the years, and in each one we have had a part, helping get them where they want to be as soon as possible, and helping with the insurance claims.


Being a travel agent is not as easy as people think! We use years of experience: our personal travel experiences, information gained through our clients’ travel and industry colleagues and newsletters: to put together a trip that is perfect just for you, whether you are traveling for work, leisure, family or some other reason. 


In this day and age it’s easy to go online and book accommodation and flights yourself, and at face value it can seem cheaper.  But using a travel agent is about ease, experience and economy …


The ease of telling someone what you want and having them find the best options for you.  Putting your mind at ease, by knowing that in times of trouble there is someone you can call no matter when or where, and minimising the chance of trouble.  Using our experience to give you the best experience, understanding that everyone wants the most economic option, as, no matter what class of travel or reason, value for money is a priority.


So EST. are YOUR TRAVEL ASSISTANTS, assisting you to have amazing travel experiences from the minute you start researching to the moment you put your photo book on the coffee table. 


EST. is a division of World Wide Travel

About EST.

Why did you create EST?

As Shakespeare would say, what’s in a name?  I didn’t realise the answer to that question until I didn’t have it any more.  I spent over 7 years at my last agency, working with amazing owners and staff, building a brand that I believed in.  I realised after leaving how much it was my identity as a travel agent.  So I decided I should create my own name/brand - I believe in honesty, passion and integrity when it comes to business and travel, so I want a brand that stands for those values. 

Another big part of it is the project I’m working on in PNG.  As it and EST. grows, you’ll no doubt find out more.


What makes est. different from other travel agents?

It’s personal, it’s about the travellers’ needs and wants, not about the dollar value.  You won’t see much marketing from EST. because we’d rather spend the time on our current clients and have them recommend us.

Also, we know what we are talking about, we don’t guess the answers, and if we don’t know the answer we make sure we find it.


There’s a lot of risk in travel, what securities do you have for people booking with EST.?

As of 1st July 2014 the travel industry in Australia had a big shake up.  The Travellers Compensation Fund (TCF) no longer exists and even licensing is not important.  I’ve heard many stories of small agencies popping up now there is no regulation.  So EST. is a division of World Wide Travel, an agency with a long history in Melbourne, which has IATA and ATAS membership, is connected to Magellan buying group (who conduct their own auditing), and was part of the TCF for many years (prior to its removal).